Henry Lodge No. 57
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
Fairfax, Virginia
Chartered December 15, 1869 by the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Virginia.
Freemasonry, Making Good Men Better
Henry Lodge No. 57 A.F. & A.M.
Located in the City of Fairfax Virginia, Henry Lodge No. 57 and is one of over 300 Freemason Masonic Lodges located throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Masons (also known as Freemasons) belong to the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world. Today, there are more than two million Freemasons in North America, there are over thirty thousand in the State of Virginia. Masons represent virtually every occupation and profession, yet within the Fraternity, all meet as equals. Masons come from diverse political ideologies, yet meet as friends. Masons come from varied religious beliefs and creeds, yet all believe in one God.
Stated communication is the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. Meal 6:00 P.M. Fellowship, Practice, & Degree work every other Tuesday.
The Lodge is available for use by other masonic organizations subject to a $100 per use donation. Contact the Lodge Master or Secretary for more information and availability.
Membership - Becoming A Freemason
In order to become a Freemason you must have two Master Masons vouch for your character and recommend you into our Craft. You also have to be a man, 18 years old or older, of good character, and believe in a God that promotes peace, love, and harmony towards all mankind. These are some of the basic requirements for membership into our Fraternity.
To be one, ASK one. 2B1ASK1, this process is as old as the fraternity itself and ensures that the individual seeking the degrees is doing so of his own desire and will. If you don't know a Freemason to ask, contact us, or you may contact the Grand Lodge of Virginia.
For more information see Becoming A Freemason In Virginia or stop by and meet us on any Tuesday at 5:30pm.
Appendant Bodies - Masonic Organizations
Henry Lodge No. 57 is home to Fauquier Royal Arch No. 25, an appendant body of Freemasonry.